1 min read

Allow yourself the freedom of confidence.

Firstly… What does that look like?

For me, that looks like saying something and then following with action. 

Has that been easy?


You see, the more I experience a repeated action or activity, the easier it becomes. 

This means, if I’ve done it a couple times it becomes almost automatic, like a habit. 

This usually means in the beginning more effort is required.

Also now I find, if we mix effort with desire it takes the edge off. 

Because I desire to be free. 

To make decisions freely and confidently whether wrong or rightly so. When my desire is strong, I can figuratively walk through a brick wall for what I want. 

Sometimes, the desire is just a flicker. That’s where it starts. Then as I think about it more, as I want it more that desire grows into a flame. 

It can become so strong I am compelled to act. I am compelled to do something to make what I want… Come true. 

So recently I’m trying to activate that desire. 

More often. 

Now let me ask YOU… 

What do you want? 

And when are you going to go and get it?

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