1 min read

It's important to know when to continue and when to stop. Limits... know them before attempting to exceed them.

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While I'm waiting
1 min read

Waiting, waiting, waiting... For the next obvious move in the chess game of life.

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1 min read

Mmm... tasty! I enjoy food, I really do!

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Nice Things
1 min read

Yes... I believe I deserve THEM!

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A second rule
1 min read

This a follow on from 'When feeling sick' but can be examined outside of that scenario. It moves me from self hatred towards self love.

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I’ll tell you when you are ready
1 min read

I trust some things unlock when we are truly ready to find them out.

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Where are we going?
1 min read
Whispers of the body
1 min read

The body reveals what is going on more loudly than we think

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The LIFE you own
1 min read

Your life and mine are ours. Through everything.

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