Chadyan S
1 min read

How do I think about my own thinking?

I mean...

Does anyone do this under usual circumstances?

Identify their own thoughts and reflect on them?

As you would a meal that was had,

or a place that was visited?

And then...

Would the thoughts that were had during the reflection need reflection of their own?

 How far down the road does one go, in the search for self knowledge?

Have you tried it?

What did you find?

And what did you with what you found out?

If journaling is a similar reference to go by,

then we should be engaging in this process all the time.

Emerging data says it could be positive for our lives.

Ok then.

I suppose I should make more of an effort.

Positive life outputs interest me.

And getting stuff out of my head to observe as a separate entity also interests me.

That's what I do here.

Deeper and deeper I dive into me.

What will you do?

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