Chadyan S
1 min read

What comes to mind when you ask this question?

What descriptions? Strong, A kind person, A person who has boundaries?

Or is it Someone afraid, unsure, Indecisive?

Or my personal favorite: I don't know.

Truth is, I am acting most days off of  a script.

Based on my experience, and expectations. Not really assessing in the moment where I am in relationship to where I need to be. Unless I need to change physical location.

But in much the same way, assessing who we are becoming is a helpful step before making the next steps.

There it is , awareness again. Can't escape it's greatness in making plans come together!

This time, however, I am not going to give any more thoughts on the matter, except... to ask that we think about the question and decide what it means for each of us.


Thank you!

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