Chadyan S
1 min read

Let's take a moment to break ourselves open to our own self.

Answer this question 

My answer:

I still wear a mask to work. 

Most people think I am afraid of catching something. But the truth is... I just want to hide my braces. 

My work requires that I am speaking with my clients a lot and in close proximity. In the beginning I was not comfortable having a conversation about the braces or distracting people from what I'm saying. So, I continue to wear my mask at work.

Outside of work I don't wear one.


For sure I'm not speaking as much and I am not where conversations about my teeth or any such thing would be likely. 

Being around my family is the exception. They have asked and I have already answered their questions. But I was prepared for them from them.

I am sure there are other things but that one thing came first to mind.

What about you?

What's your answer to the question?

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