Chadyan S
1 min read

Can I tell you how many detours I had on the way to doing this blog?

It took almost three decades 

Knowing that I enjoyed writing was not enough.

I always loved books but writing was how I could get myself to listen to myself.

It was the way I could get out of my head and unstuck.

Sure there are other things that help

But writing does it so effortlessly.

Even if what I write is never read by anyone but me

I would do it 

And as long as I can 

I will.

Even though this should be longer I will leave it right there.

There will likely be a further expression but this is where this one ends.

Our relationship will continue

And more will be discovered.

This is life and I have ALOT of questions and some beliefs too.

So here we go!... Again!

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