1 min read

It is true that on average we (humanity) are living longer than our ancestors a half century ago. 

So we could give consideration to planning for future living.

But… the mesmerizing magic of the instant and ever evolving now makes IT also compelling. 

And so, our actions will be tested every waking moment of every day

As we decide with our activity what our future lives will be like.

Knowingly or unknowingly

We crave our future into the stone with today’s eating habits 

Physical expression,

Spending habits,



Can we live with that?


We already are.

For me this is a source of discomfort

But then…If I continue to spend my days worrying about this

they too crave upon the stone an anxious future.

Which can lead to illness and pain.

When what I want is pleasure, happiness, joy and peace.

To break this mental dead lock

I try to meditate

I talk to future me

I pray

I often sense a feeling to wait

Which is generally met by inner resistance

As I feel waiting is useless

But then, 

There are times when an action is sensed and it too feels like the wrong move to make.

As this continues

I go with the feeling sometimes and at other times I don’t.

In reflecting,

When the feeling is a complete ‘yes’ or a complete ‘no’

And I follow it

I get the best results.

But the truth is, 

I have not given myself enough space to consider the ‘feelings’ to consistently choose with a complete ‘yes’ or ’no’.

And so… I know…

This should be my practice

To create a routine that allows for that space even in split second moments.

And right now, my inner ‘customer’s’ needs go unmet.

But… for how long?

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