Chadyan S
1 min read

SO …

We gave a task to our child to read a Cat in the Hat book that would have a few words that were unfamiliar to him. 

He would also learn something new and if he read it himself he would get a double gold star, if he read it all in one day. 

We knew he could, but he was not really interested in reading a new book by himself, thus the reason for the double gold star accolade.

He decided he would read it.

But for every page he read he would comment that he would be soon finished.

I mean literally every page after the first three he came to both his father and I to show us how many pages were left.

It made me wonder… just how many times and for how many different things was I doing the same thing to motivate myself to finish.

I would often do this when processing a batch of prescriptions at work

Or when I am trying to check off a list of items on my to-get list.

Even when I was selecting my clothes for work for the week. I would stop mid-way through and check the days and how many I have left to do.

This is particularly so when I just want to get to the end of it!

And what where is MY ‘gold star’ for having done these things?


Are these moments telling us something more?

Do we need to get help?

Make the task more interesting?

Or… is it something else?

Right now I want to get to the end of this message

So … here we are

At the end…

I will think about an answer… later.

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