Chadyan S
1 min read

I really believe that there is no ONE right way to be a better version of ourselves.

Fundamentally I can tell you I have tried a lot of things but certainly not everything. And it was in the earlier months of 2023 that I heard a statement that completely shifted how I viewed my life

"Knowing what you want is important, but so is knowing what you DON'T want"

That 'don't want' part, floored me.

Until then, I did not realize how what I did not want was just the other side of what I DID want!!



But, that was a light bulb moment for me as simple as it may seem. I never thought that before.

While I was busy chasing what I wanted I was not realizing that it was being revealed to me in what I didn't want. Which was always, always, always clearer for me to see and find


When I think of the time that statement could have saved me, if known earlier

But... then...

I probably wouldn't have been ready anyway.

The thing is I know NOW and that matters.

A full 38 years before a light bulb discovery

or at least the last one I remember clearly :).

Each one to their own journey of discovery. 

Keep reaching,

It will find you.

Or you IT!!! 

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