Chadyan S
1 min read

Like really, why should I care?

I enjoy reading

Who cares?

I also enjoy writing down my thoughts after reading

Who cares?


Nobody cares if I want to go hula hoop shopping at the north-pole with a polar bear.

And … why should they.

We do the things we do because we want them.

It feels important to us.

But… if we want people to do something

We have to focus on getting them what they want.

Like Amazon knows you like getting stuff right away (or as quickly as possible)

That’s why they have Prime.

Yes it comes at a cost

But they are giving us want we want.

And that is satisfying.

So we pay their price.

You know you should exercise and eat right, but unless you attach a need to do it, that matters to you

It will stay undone.

Why does this matter?

Because no matter how many books, articles or blogs we read

Videos or podcasts watched

Seminars or retreats attended

The work is ours to do.

And that means we have to have a personal need, meaning, intention, or why; to take action to do it.

Do we want to please some-one to get their approval?

Make more money to take care of our family?

To reverse a chronic health condition?

What is it that we need from ourselves right now?

And how can we Amazon Prime it to ourselves?

Take a step and pretend you are your own customer.

What does it take to fulfil your order?


What price is the 'customer' you willingly to pay?

Best believe this situation is the one we are already in

And a price is being paid no matter what.

Waiting until tomorrow to make a choice?


Another day of precious TIME paid on your bill.

Remember nobody cares

Unless we give them a reason to.

Are you going to give them one?

And will you care?

Or is that price too much to pay?

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