Chadyan S
2 min read

Are you reaching for your phone during a conversation?


Did you drive to your destination. Arriving safely, but have no idea how you got there? Or it would take some work thinking back to remember how you got there?

Feels familiar?

What about this next example? (A share from a friend. 👇🏾)

(It continued on, but you get the idea.)

Well, I don’t know about you… But, that last one happens more often than I would like. Even though they mentioned it in relationship to aging, I'm not sure that part is as relevant because even the young among us complain about forgetting stuff.

In any of these moments, it feels like my ability to be IN the moment was hijacked.

We could shrug it off and continue with our day. But are you willing to do that every time? 

Just based on this line of thinking these are the two things we can consider when we assess whether we are being aware or not. 

  1. Are we missing the moments of our life? 
  2. Do we care about missing the moments of our life?

Think about it?

Does this sound like you and what are you prepared to do about it?

You want to remember your life right?

All the wonderful things, people, memories… even the ones that were not so wonderful so you can remember NOT to repeat them.

Listen, I know life is LIFE-ING, but I still would like to remember it. This is a part of why I write this down. To help me remember to LIVE more intentionally.

And just better.

It's a journey to there but being aware sure helps.

Share with me how you do it.

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