1 min read

I continue to find out about my 'own self' as time passes.

How about you?

My own unraveling and reimagining is happening at the same time as I write these posts.

As I write them out, I discover more points of reference for who I truly am.

Sometimes it takes a really long time for the light bulb to come on.

At other times it happens in an instant.

Ever felt that way?

What I realize is that it doesn't matter what I find, but how I respond to what is found. 

Either way, to 'be true', acceptance of what is found is important to get to who I want to be. 

What are you finding? 

Are you staying true to yourself?

Is it easy or hard to do?

I am finding that I enjoy some drama/ unexpectedness, mostly in my clothing style! 

For this I can stay true by choosing to add perhaps a red bracelet to my daily attire that has no red or red accents. Just because I can.

This has gotten easier. 

But in many other areas of my life the adjustment is harder (Like finding out, I suck at managing money)

Working on those.

How are YOU doing?

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