6 min read

Masters week is the period of around 7 days that revolved around the Masters Golf tournament. This post has nothing to do with the game (my husband is the golf fan), but instead the story that the Golf Channel has for its commercial around that particular tournament.

Now, this song, A Perfect Day by Danny Cope: Cinematic Song (Album), has haunted me since 2021 when my mind was in full breakdown mode and I suppose more receptive to its melodies and lyrics.

Ever fell instantly in love with a song when you only know the 2 or 3 lines heard over an Ad?

I have…

And more than once.

This is what this song did to me.

I was curious last year about the full version of the song but then forgot about it. This 2022 I just gave in to the seduction and decided to do a check for the full version. YouTube did not disappoint; thanks YouTube!

And thus the more I fell.
It made me feel bittersweet for moments gone by that felt… Perfect.

You know those moments.

They seem to unfold so beautifully, mostly unplanned but seemingly everything that happened made sense and brought joy.

The one I remember most vividly in recent memory happened just before I conceived my son. I, experienced, Perfect Days.

Running together…

Spent with my family.

We planned on the fly. Every day a new… perfect one.

It makes my heart smile to remember.

Why do these moments leave me bittersweet?

That is a part of why the song is magical

The Chorus: 
“Why don’t we wait, here 

I just wanna stay, here

Why don’t we wait here, now”

These days… Perfect days; don’t last forever, but they make forever possible. It fuels it.

Perfect days make me long for time passed and think of wonderful times to come. But, to be in it and feel the wonder of the moment that takes surrender. At least for me. 

For all the stories on being in flow that I have read… Oprah, Lisa Nichols, Vishen Lakhiani, all of them.

All of them describe Perfect days, to me. Perfect days do not need to have everything happen perfect to plan, but perfect to time, moment and the life experiencing the moment. And of course, it is unique to the actual person experiencing it.

Would you agree?

You and I can have the same set of circumstances show up in a given moment or day and I see it as perfect and you as ordinary. By the same token, we could experience the same moment as ‘perfect’, but for different reasons.

So, what are the lessons I am uncovering?

Perfect days are these:

1. They are unique to the person experiencing it

2. They can happen unplanned (Perfect in its imperfection)

3. They bring us joy

4. Like money, they are energy and can be invested to compound and increase or they can be wasted

5. They require surrender

To waste a ‘Perfect’ day is to discard the awe of sunsets, fluffy clouds in the blue sky, laughter, magic and play.

Brené Brown’s Atlas of the Heart gave this definition of Joy;

“An intense feeling of deep spiritual connection, pleasure and appreciation”

She also writes;

“Joy expands our thinking and attention, and it fills us with a sense freedom and abandon”.(follow her work @ www.brenebrown.com)

This to me, is what a perfect day is made of, not happiness, but JOY!

This is something that Brené says about happiness

“Happiness is stable, long-lasting and normally the result of effort…with happiness we feel a sense of being control”

These perfect days are unplanned and effortless.

Both joy and happiness are needed, but these perfect days I feel, give you JOY! And the more of this joy that is felt it can change the set point of our happiness. 

How do we cultivate Joy? 

Through gratitude (or so it is said). 

The increase in gratitude increases the likelihood of experiencing JOY and these Perfect days. These days that give us hope.

Hope for better…

Hope for more…

Hope for life.

I challenge you… and me, to create a life that unlocks more Perfect days

And share the joy within them with everyone (including ourselves).

Go ahead,

I dare you.

song link:https://youtu.be/ARIEzt2-5BU 

#grace #lessons  #perfectday #learning #BreakingMyself #Breakingmyselftheseries #beyond 

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