1 min read


I’ve decided to check in with myself through a best friend system.

 Giving myself a minute to think about what qualities I would want in a best friend, I discovered six areas that mattered to me.



-Authentic and Honest

-Driven by excellence

-Curious and adventurous

-Believes in possibilities (hopeful)

Now, these qualities are what I hope to bring to the table in my relationships also… ideally.

I named this friend GRACE


I be needing some grace these days and these qualities fit with how I think of grace, thus Grace it is.

Now, remember this system has been created to help me become more aware of what is happening internally, especially when I am faced with anxiety escalating to overwhelm.

GRACE is who I can rely on to show me how I am tracking. A best friend only I know is there. An adulting imaginary friend if you will.

I am intrigued by the concept right now.

GRACE as a best friend!

Here I go!

To new relationships with ourselves

BEST friends!


#BreakingMyself #learning #Breakingmyselftheseries #lessons #grace 

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