Chadyan S
1 min read

My seven year old often complains about being bored. If I ask him to find something else to do. It's like brimstone and fire were gushing from my mouth, as the frustration and endless reasons of why that cannot work come storming forth.

These days I am tempted to say, " I wished I could be bored right now!"

In these days that are filled with more things than one can complete and distractions arriving at every corner. How can I even hazard the time to consider being a tiny bit bored?

I wish I could be though.

For in those moments, lots of connection surface.

It almost feels like magic.

To be bored is now a place of reverence. A place to be cherished.

Even now I wonder if I can create a space for it. Like every other thing that's scheduled?

It would perhaps seem wasteful to those observing. And, if I think of them this would be a waste of time.

But I really think there may be utility in making use of the gift being bored can afford us. The things we discover when we find ourselves in that state. It creates new ways of thinking, new opportunities and possibilities.

Right now it remains on my list to consider. Will I get to make it work? A way, I know, can be made.

How often do you feel bored?

And what do you do when it happens?

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