Chadyan S
1 min read

“The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places.”~ Ernest Hemingway.

This is true in broken bones as well. Were it heals… that spot… it is usually stronger than the surrounding areas of that bone.

We can learn so much in moments of perceived failure, weakness, brokenness. Even without intentionally deciding to. We act in ways that change our lives in these moments that can make us stronger, forever. 

Think of so many people who have been successful and had moments that felt like ‘this is it’ lowest of the low that they could even imagine. Who rose from them like the magical phoenix.

A break unleashes the power of You on YOU!

If... we allow it to.

Yes, this sounds like a type of surrender. And it is. But there is some thing resembling resilience that can be found in the process.

Some thing that is built by fire.

Stronger than before passing through.

Something to think about.

"Make a mistake? Release the guilt, remember the lesson." ~James Clear, 3-2-1 Thursday

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