Chadyan S
1 min read

Now that I am older,

Am I also wiser?

Have I seen enough to have made me more mature towards life and its decisions?

Or do I now make jumbled nuisance and confusion of circumstances which once posed simple answers?

This path called life is loaded with pitfalls and obstacles.

Can I face them with this limited reserve of first hand experience and a bunch of second hand ones?

I seem to have more questions and less answers now that I have aged.

Although this does not spell logic it is true.

What I want and what I need no longer come with simple answers.

I am never sure of what I want

As for what I need;

I figure if I can breathe without it, I don't fully need it.

What I want , however, becomes a complex, equation of complication.

It is a decision I can't seem to make on my own anymore.

The future of responsibility and possibility of loneliness now looms ahead.

Its presence more threatening than ever.

I don't know what I want!

Not as a career!

Not in a husband; or even a boyfriend

Not as a woman!

Not even for clothing!

My mind is a muddle that requires sorting.

Lack of self confidence denies me also,

Caging me in.

Right now my fingers hurt from writing but I'm not sure I want to stop!

Even now,

I can't do or commit to what I want!

Frustration wells deep inside.

I long for something

But I do not recognize what it is.

How, do I explain my situation?

The cumbersome task bawls at me

I need...

No want... to be able

To be able!

To have fun.

Be free!

Do I hope above all hope?

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