Chadyan S
2 min read

“Would you look at that!”

“What?” Turns quizzically in the every direction.

“Look at the birds!”

“They’re making a nest!”

“Oooh! where?”

“In those trees.” Points some distance away at a group of four trees growing together on the right.

“Let’s look a bit closer.”

This is how it feels to be distracted. Especially when you don’t want to do the thing you’re being distracted from. At least that is how it feels for me.

I always seem to be able to engage in some ‘meaningful’ work. Other than the one I know I should be focusing on. This is not to say that the ‘meaningful’ work doesn’t need doing, but likely, not by me. Or not by me before I complete the work I am avoiding.

Ever happened to you?


Maybe you have won the battle on procrastination already.

Kudos to you!

Or maybe you don’t procrastinate… ever.

You would be weird to me. A curious creature from a land far away that I need to find out about.

Or, you could be in denial.

Or lying to yourself.

If you know the you have had to deal with procrastination in any form.


I can understand.


More and more I am understanding what it’s keeping me from.

And in most cases I find out it’s taking me away from some awesome stuff.

Like more freedom and joy in my life.

Plus, it’s keeping me restlessness and anxious with these incomplete assignments/ projects.

I need to talk about it!


Because it makes me confront it. And also, it feeds into the “meaningful“ work theory from before 😉.


I never said the system was perfect. Only that I am engaged in the process of untangling myself. And remember ‘There must be a way’. And I am working through the possibilities.

How do you work through distracting procrastination ?

Or do you?🧐

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