Chadyan S
1 min read

If we teach anyone

A student in a classroom,

A friend,

A client, 

Our children,


Where does that information come from?

I have often heard Oprah mention that she wanted to be a teacher while in school.

And in many ways she is.

She has sat with so many people who have fed her curiosity over the lifetime of the Oprah show and beyond. And she has allowed others to be recipients of that knowledge when she speaks.

While being an excellent student of others, she has built a knowledge base so wide that people listen when she talks. She has BECOME an excellent TEACHER as a result of her being a excellent STUDENT.

When was the last time you were attempting to show someone how to do something? Did you learn that 'thing' somewhere?

Where you a good student?

And was the source worthy of giving you information?

We can consider when we listen to learn something and when we attempt to teach someone else; what kind of student am I and what kind of teacher am I?

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