Chadyan S
1 min read

Enough of this!

Just enough!

My brain,

My body,

My soul,

Is screaming for release!

No more of this... this...


No more accepting a 'standard' that is not mine.


I know you mean well.

I get it.

You are 'trying' to protect me.

Bur really, it is you who will feel more comfortable if I stay still.

It's just against my best intentions and instinct right now.

And it isn't working anymore.

I'm sorry.

Change I must.

There is not anything you can do.

This has become confining.

Akin to strangulation.

It didn't start out that way,

But I've waited much too long

And discomfort became intolerable restraint.


I don't have it all figured out.

I just know THIS needs to change.

My next step hereafter is mostly unknown.

But, I fear if I don't take this step

I know I will be in unbearable, but preventable pain!

Release me for you.

Just let me go.

For though bitter-sweet

My mind is made up.

I will be leaving soon.

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