1 min read

It's important to know when to continue and when to stop. Limits... know them before attempting to exceed them.

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1 min read

Here I am. Waiting to know what direction to take.

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Settling Differences
1 min read

We don't have to agree, just meet me somewhere safe. Where we can both disagree.

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While I'm waiting
1 min read

Waiting, waiting, waiting... For the next obvious move in the chess game of life.

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It's learning, it's good, it's LIFE
1 min read

Life can be good even if imperfect

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A prayer rises...
1 min read

Sometimes its not enough to talk to someone. I need to access a power that creates us.

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Rainy day mood
1 min read

Even the weather mimicks us.

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On the edge of change
1 min read

This feels like the hardest part. But we can do hard things.

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1 min read

Mmm... tasty! I enjoy food, I really do!

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When you're leaving
1 min read

Whether its my partner, a passion or myself, when an important part of me leaves I miss it.

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Grateful for you
1 min read

Happy that I get to love you

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I want a Blank Slate
1 min read

Wouldn't like to do some things different? I'm just saying...

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