Chadyan S
1 min read

"Clarity is freedom. Know what is important to you and it will grant you the freedom to ignore everything else." James Clear 3-2-1 Thursday Newsletter

This is truth for me. When I am clear on my objective and I know what it is exactly that I want, nothing gets in the way of me getting to it. So a question I need to ask myself more often becomes, “What is important to me right now?” This will increase my freedom to pursue it when it is front of mind.

Asking the question when I feel stuck, anxious or even waiting, will help to release my mind and often relax my body so my pursuits have more ease. And who doesn’t, want that?

I suppose that there are times to spread focus. I can’t think of one right now. But… I am sure it exists. Or else, why would we engage in it so often? Common practice? Perhaps… 

Maybe when we are searching for a new goal to pursue? Hmmm… but even then we are clearly focused on one thing… a new goal. 

The spread makes us feel productive and busy. I get that. But is it offering freedom? I believe not.

So grateful for this bit of wisdom from the Habit guru, James Clear. Though I may yet have to be reminded… again. 

Glad for it right now though.

Is this making sense to you?

Freedom through clarity?

What do you think?

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