Chadyan S
1 min read

Once upon a time, we were told: “Don’t sweat the small stuff”. But nowadays we are hearing more people declare: “focus on the little things”. So which is true?
Are they both true?

Is one more true than the other?

Or maybe, one was true at some point and now the other one is.


As I evaluate my experience this is what I am finding...

Both are important, but at different times.

So, imagine you just bought a car. Your first. You are elated, over the top happy to be the owner of a car! You spend money on things to line the floors, cover seats and keep it clean. You cannot wait to take your car for a drive down the road. 

Now everyday you jump in your new ride and head off to do your daily things. After about two weeks of driving around, the car starts making a funny knocking sound. You are concerned and after a week the car’s check oil light come on. You take it to the mechanic who discovers the car ‘s oil has run out and therefore caused the engine to overheat and it is really in bad shape.

The truth is, you were too excited when the car was being purchased to have it checked by a mechanic. It was bought second hand and drove well when you went to test it, but the oil levels were low even then. Although, it showed no symptoms. Doing even a quick overall evaluation would have discovered this issue if done earlier with less pain and cost. It’s a big rock. The health of the car. This is a big thing. One that was over looked.

Sure the car liners and all that protective stuff matters, but if the car isn’t working those are of little consequence. The car needs to do its job, so those things make sense.

We have been there with so many things. I know I have. Like focusing on every detail of an speech or report to make it more interesting, more relevant; only to discover that was not the topic that was given.

Just like that, time and even money in some instances, run down the drain on these wild goose hunts.

Ok, so you fixed the car engine and got the old oil flushed out and replaced. The car got a detailed investigation which could tell that there were some other minor issues that were easy to deal with and they were. You fully enjoy your vehicle. Going at times long distance with friends and sometimes alone. Travelling to work, to the store and everything in between.

You made sure to schedule and meet for regular maintenance and servicing. So the car ran well and supported almost all you threw at it over time.


Recently, you saw a new SUV that caught your attention and your now smitten with it. 

This means you have to sell your car.

And guess what???

You have pristine floor carpeting and seats because of your initial investment and your car looks and run excellently as you also cared well for it over the last few years. In fact, people have always been asking if you're interested in selling. Now that you are interested, it sells easily and for top dollar!

Kudos to you!

That's the beauty of paying attention to the details. It gives you an edge. 

So what have we learnt?

We should check the important, big things first. Make sure they are the right thing to focus on, then flesh out all the brilliant details of the smaller stuff. 

At least… this is my perspective.

We need both stuffs

We just need to focus on each at different times… that’s all. 

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