1 min read


Maybe... but lets consider it anyway.

Our environment, and by this I am referring to the external places, is sending us feedback on who we should be... 

In these spaces.

Lets say that I walked into a bar;

My expectation is to sit and have a drink at least.

When I step into my work place;

My expectation is to be courteous and kind, knowledgeable and of course professional.

When I get home;

What I want to experience is peace, calm(not often reality, but one can dream cant they?) and lots of joy and love. So in this space my expectation is to be more relaxed, more easy going and more fun.

The feedback created in the different spaces creates within us a response, which we then express externally adding to the overall messaging of the space.

The space tells us something and we respond.

James Clear, in his book Atomic Habits, speaks of the importance of creating an environment where we can be successful at creating the habits we want. Especially, if different from the habits we now have. Just as the habit of 'manners maketh the man' all our habits make up our life experience. So any cues for those habits or behaviors are critical in making them stick.

Thusly for making new habits, we create a new space within an environment. One in which we can control certain elements and we let that new space send us new feedback.

This feedback would follow from our intention for creating the space to begin with,  and it gets reinforced each time we use the space for its intended purpose.

If we create and don't use the space, will it remind us of the unattained goal we set?

If we do not create a new space at all, wont it be hard to break free from the feedback loop of what the environment as it is tells us?

As I consider them, these questions become important to answer so we can tell quickly the path we are on, whether to achieve our goals or not. This is of course assuming we have one. A goal that is.

To add complexity, I also think we can have a mission and surrender to how it unfolds.


I trust that because there is A MISSION/ A TARGET/ A GOAL, then signs and opportunities that will show up in the process (what we call luck) will more likely be taken advantage of and the mission/target/goal; will ultimately be fulfilled.

This has been my experience

And... from what others have expressed and what I have read, there is agreement.

Where do you sit, stand or kneel :) on this?

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