Chadyan S
1 min read

We have entered the Hurricane season and in the island nation that I live, tree cutting is the order of the day. Especially after having been recently reminded that these storms can come about suddenly with the passing of Hurricane Beryl through the land. 

When I look at the naked remaining tree branches I remember that we too have to be pruned and made ready in certain seasons of life. Whether we are prepared to be or we are forced to be that way. Removal of the things that will weigh us down is frankly a part of the process of living well. If we do not do this deliberately, we leave ourselves open to untimely and preventable loss.

This happens often in so many areas of our lives. We know we need to let go of some things; items in our homes, clothes, furniture, a car, a house, a job, person(s) or behaviors, but the release seems impossible. 

Having built a pattern with those things as a part of our everyday lives, it becomes hard to break. Just like nerves that fire together wiring together, it has become a part of how we identify our life and to change it will invoke a change in us. A change in our beliefs and even our identity. That is who we are to ourself. 

The cord goes deep. So I can agree with the writer (James Clear) of Atomic Habits, who asks us to examine our identity before we try to build a successful habit as this will make the shift easier. I think even examining the future identity we want will make change of any kind more likely.

 As we move towards our future aspirations, it is certain that moments of resistance will show up. But, resilience also comes through. 

Just like the pruned trees whose roots are healthy come back stronger and more fruitful after, so can we.

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