Chadyan S
1 min read

After listening to a Super Soul Sunday podcast with Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith talking about surrender and a Hey You podcast with Sarah Jakes Roberts on boundaries it occurred to me that the two conversations were connected. 

Surrendering has become like a shadow for me as I am able to stand by it only occasionally and mostly without any consciousness around it. But just as I listened to the podcasts back to back it stuck out that I had little or no structure to support my surrendering.

There were no boundaries.

Surrender felt like an awful, ugly place. A place where I would have no control. So when I consider there are boundaries in surrendering, all this makes it feel lighter, less threatening, more like... allowing.

When I am surrendering, I am leaving it up to a presence, a universe, a God who can do it better than I can. 

God has boundaries, so does the universe. We acknowledge them as laws.

These forces can create worlds, so my little might is in good hands. And that correlation between surrender and the boundaries that surrender allows me to operate from, frees me to relax my grip.

I therefore needed to reorganize the net around what I would allow myself to do when I decided to surrender a particular thing.

Which means, reminding myself to think about it as already done. And working my next actions in such a way.

This also meant doing what I could, and allowing the results to show me what's next. Making use of the opportunities that surrendering frees me to see.

Most importantly, it meant not allowing my PEACE to be broken in the process.

At least not for long.

I am human after all.

But tell me this...

What say you on this matter?

Any chance I'm right?

I have been dueling with surrender for a LONG time and now I have a tool that I can use to lever a win in my favor. 

And use it I shall.

Ever had two seemingly completely different things collide to make an impression on your mind?

Tell me about it...

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