Chadyan S
1 min read

For some reason Hallmark TV channel wants us to experience 'Christmas in July'. While this is met by lots of eye rolling by my husband, occasionally I sit to watch one of these movies and have since noticed a pattern.

There are many, many, many Ghost of Christmas  type movies. 

This one sub theme within the Christmas movies type has so many versions, one has to wonder if we are really so thickheaded that we can't get the message.

Of course, I also accept that different ones will appeal to different viewers; but dang it! There are still a whole lot of them!

A Message of Possibilities

The ghost of Christmas movies seems to be pointing us to our innate internal power; faith, self-trust. Whatever name you give it. 

That part within that knows what is truly best for us that we often ignore and then these 'ghosts' have to show up to remind us about them.

It is framed around a theme of trusting in the possibilities of life when we make decisions. That we should do so based on 'goodness', joy and love. Those touchy feely topics that are so hard to pin down to a united definition.

They are a personal experiences after all and apparently a whole sub-category of Christmas movies was created to make us believe it is very important to remember that we have the power to choose what lights us up.

What gives us hope.

And what serves  the world and ourselves more than our fear and logic.

Or so they make me feel they are saying.

What do you say?

Do you believe in these things?

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