Chadyan S
2 min read

 Mrs. S is feeling like she is losing herself. Here she is at the place to get her banking done and she has left her documents at home. She checked them before. Just yesterday when she phoned them at the bank to check if all was prepared for her to complete her transaction seamlessly. So how can this be happening? She mumbles to herself and tells anybody within earshot.

This is the picture for most of us when we are distracted with multiple activities. But, Mrs. S has another likely handicap. She is 76 years old and lives alone. Now, she is usually a capable lady. Generally aware and has been able to take care of her business by herself all these years. However,  these recent changes have been increasing in frequency and has increased her irritation with each occurrence. It doesn't help that her old friends have also been dying around her leaving her to consider the options of her own demise.

What can she do now?

And was there a way to prevent or slow this down?

She feels lost.

Looking back

Let's roll back time for a minute...

Remember your twenties?

If you're still there this is a heads up.

Life is 'Life-ing'...

You will increase your chronological age or die before.


Declining, however, has options. 

If you live long enough, your health does not have to fall off a cliff, you have options and the earlier you invest the better.

Just like money, these early investments compound like magic over time.

You're either appreciating or depreciating.

It may be hard to think of it today, but do yourself a favor

Drink more water

Do some exercise

Get enough sleep

Just start here for now... the rest can build on this foundation. So be consistent and then shift attention to more after these are habits.

If you are in your thirties... life is changing... real fast. Buckle in...

Get the foundation 3 from the twenties category on board if you haven't already and move forward with adjustments to improve them. Include better nutrition, strength, flexibility and balance, work that is meaningful and make plans for socialization and solitude. 

These are big rocks.

Move them early... the smaller ones fine tune the song as the tempo changes and moves in the dance of life.

Beyond your thirties, all are still applicable, but there may be some additional caveats. 

Lifestyle ailments and mobility among other factors may interfere, but do not stop improvements from happening. It will just take more creativity to pull off.

You may have to check with a physician, physiotherapist or other health professionals before tackling the big rocks. They will set guidelines to begin. You keep those in mind and also the goals you have for yourself. This should be a process to serve your improvement not their fear.

At each stage testing will give baselines and reveal undeniable proof of improvements and where adjustments are needed. So don't forget to do them.

And let me add... STAY CURIOUS!!!!

There are tons of information available... books, podcasts, blogs, research articles. Check credibility.

Also, check in with yourself.

You are the greatest resource on YOU.

So pay attention to what you are feeling. Even though there will be a ton of techniques, not all will be applicable to YOU nor will the one that works for you now always work. YOU are changing so expect to change certain routines that worked in the past to new ones as this happens.

Track the big rocks

Track your results

Track how you feel


And please remember... FUN is important to be had too.

You can die at anytime, so whatever is happening, find a reason to make life enjoyable.

We are ALL here for it

So let's do IT well... as best we can.

Mrs. S has hope. She is alive and with life there exists possibility.

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