Chadyan S
1 min read

My husband told me today that I should consider that being like wallpaper has negatively impacted my life. 

This was in reference to a comment I made about children in a production that was produced by our son's Summer school which had most children performing as a part of the group and a few stand out in unique roles. 

Our son was among the few. 

But more of note, his personality is among the few. 

He is willing to work as a part of a team but he also has strong opinions of his own which he is comfortable letting anyone know.

I made the comment, that I would perhaps be more like the larger number of children. Because I was more like wallpaper.

Having the response he gave made me increasingly aware of how I have allowed myself to be led down a certain path because I wanted to fit in, play it safe, be wallpaper.

But where will that lead me?

The path I can see is unfulfilling, so change I must.

How fast?

Now, that is the real question?

Are you wallpaper-like?

Or are you a stand out type?

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