Chadyan S
1 min read

We were not ready for parenthood

In fact, I didn’t think that I would have a child. 

But… Here we are! 

We have a son. 

And when he came about, I forgot to think about other children. 

Until… long, long, long after. 

He is now 6 and the only one…still. 

He is reading this is I write it 

Which is kinda cool and kinda nice.

I remembered there was a time when I wondered when he would learn to read. 

But… he was just about 2 at the time. 


I didn’t say I was rational, just that I had the thought. Meanwhile my friends with kids have more than one. 

That’s cool too. 

And the funny thing is 

I discovered I want to have more children. 

But not for me… for our son. 

I think it would help him to have some other people who grew up with the same folks to talk to and argue with. 

It could help him so he wouldn’t feel he was alone in making decisions about us. 

In my mind the companionship of siblings can help bridge some of the thoughts we have banging around inside us about our upbringing. 

Right or wrong I guess I have justified the feeling that I want to have more kids. 

Yes, people have harassed me about having one kid. 

And while their comments make me feel like I need to defend what is. 

I also know I want others so I now just smile and let the comments roll away. 

I suppose I took a while to cement my feelings on the matter


It is where it is at the moment. 

And I could be content with just the one.

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