Chadyan S
1 min read

Work is a service to others

You know this

But sometimes we forget that our service at work extends beyond just the job description.

Nothing wrong with Job descriptions, but its the minimum that needs to get done. And I agree, sometimes that will have to do.

But if we want to grow and stretch ourselves, extending out from that 'minimum standard' will be required. Not just for our job, for ourselves.

So we should remember to not just offer the service that we showed up to work for, but there are other incidental services that we perform that add to our service.

For instance,

At a recent dining experience that included six family members. I wanted to be the one to pay the bill. However, I knew if it came to the table without a plan some other family members would demand that they pay. 

At the same time when the meal was ending, I needed to use the bathroom.

To ensure that the payment would come to me, I enrolled the help of the waiter in my plan. She would delay presenting the bill and give it to me when I returned to the table. She was also advised not to let the other table members sway her to produce the bill before. 

She seemed happy to help and the plan unfolded exactly as I wanted. She also earned herself a generous tip from my other family member, perhaps especially because they could not pay the bill.

It worked out for both of us.

Our waiter performed her minimum standard, job description excellently, but she also expanded her service to keep us as her customers well served by going along with my plan.

It did not violate any of her boundaries and she was not forced, nor did she know if or how she would be tipped. But she chose to expand her role and in our case, it was met with success.

Even if it didn't, a lesson would be available from the experience.

Growing isn't always linear but it is always happening.

So how will we be working?

Is there opportunities for expansion that we can make use of?

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