Chadyan S
1 min read

Acknowledge what we need to get work done. Get it and do it!

For a long time before I started to exercise but wanted to... I didn't. I knew the health benefits and I knew it would be a lifestyle change but starting seemed unlikely.


I decided it was ok to start with the minimum.

And I mean where I consider the lowest level.

This meant 5 to 7 minutes of the only exercise I knew. Which were ones I did during high school physical education sessions. 

Like I have said before, when things are hard for me to start I NEED to break it down to the lowest integer for me to enter the field, before I can get on board. 

After that, consistency gets me closer and closer to where a system is created that runs automatically.

Sometimes things need to slow down.

At other times they need to speed up.

Whatever it is, lets remember it, get it and move forward.

Alone or with another.

This is also true if we are changing. When we are in transition it can be harder to be sure of what we need. Acknowledging that and making a choice based on our best feeling will have to do.

If you don't know what you don't know then any action will tell us something.

Working with ourselves means, knowing when something isn't working but also when what is required for us to be or do is absent. Which leads to working on getting that thing, then we can do the thing we want. (that's another saying I have ;))

What are the things you know you need, to do what you want to?

Sometimes we know, but we are not giving ourselves the benefit of that information.

Just check in with you and find out.

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