Chadyan S
1 min read

Closing my eyes

My prayer rises...

Protect us from ourselves.

Let us remember that we are born whole

Our encounters leave us wanting

Feeling emptied


Needing to be filled.

With each break 

Demanding us to remember 

We move away instead

Seeking something or someone to close the hole.

Though healing is possible within us.

So much hurt and pain

We are blinded.

Teach us 

How to come back

How to know when 

And that its safe to return.

That our wholeness is not lost

Or gone

Just covered.

Let us let go of control we never had

And embrace the freedom of forgiveness.

Thank you for grace 

As we continue to make daily adjustments.

And for the blessing of opening our eyes each morning.

Thank you for never leaving

Even when we walk away

Then return when it gets to be too much of a burden.

Lift us up!

Out of the mud of our perception

And into the knowledge that we can rise.

As I rest

Help me now to maintain the wonder of this becoming

As I open my eyes

And go back to the life outside me.

Thank you for everything

Again and again

And for now, I say


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