Chadyan S
1 min read

It’s raining 

It matches my mood.

The thunder and lightning 

Catches my tune.

It feels like the perfect signal to continue to brood.

When the day is like this 

And I am as well

It feels comforting 

Like I have a friend  

A partner who gets the pain I’m in.

Staring out at nothing

Living more in my head.

Knowing I need to move on 

I silently pray for the spell to end.

And then a curious thing happens.

The rain gently slows

Then stops.

Just like that I feel better

Not awesome

But better.

What fresh reminder is this for me,

I wonder?

Soon, the rest of my day will welcome me back

To the sunshine

And I am more prepared for it than before.

Leaving the clouds behind

I am grateful to the rain 

For soothing my pain.

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