Chadyan S
1 min read

This is the point where no overlapping can continue. The choice has to be clear and each one takes me in different directions.

At this intersection of my life, I am exploring lots of things.

Parts of me that love writing out her thoughts and enjoying keeping things private.

I am sure of entrepreneurship and I am doing well at work.

I want more children but I've gotten comfortable with just one.

I know a career change is definite but I have so much training in one particular are of work.


What do I do?

These intersections are moving closer, wrapping more tightly, squeezing me to make decisions I am fearful of.

Asking myself,  "What do you want right now?" always returns the response of

"Just to breathe".

And while I'm breathing I feel the clock ticking. Time is moving on.

While I sit in indecision I feel pulled in the direction that my logical, practical mind says is not safe.

Its unknown.

Truth is, there is a lot of fear at these intersections. And with fear riding in front, it gets really hard to see clearly.

So I roll down the window to get some air and.... breathe.

Yes I breathe.

I make small decisions for each intersection.

I write about the things I wish someone had talked to me about, to release it from my mind. 

I become more of an investor in businesses; buying stocks, shares, bonds, while seeking opportunities to build something.

I prepare to expand into a new home while investing for it and embracing my family more. Spending time with them and allowing myself to pay closer attention to the kid I am raising in the now. 

I try some new things, writing blogs, writing books. Even started and closed a company. I pursued making soap and hair products.

I still attend meetings and seminars in my field of practice to continue my effectiveness at work.

I'm just trying to keep it simple, even as I stretch myself for answers, lest fear hijack me again.

I push each part of the intersection because in time the path to take becomes clearer. 

I just need to get better and better.

And... I also just need to breathe.

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