Making it my ringtone
1 min read

My ringtone can tell you something about me you may not know. If you listen... you just might find out.

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Childhood things
1 min read

Money... A pattern rooted in childhood experiences.

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1 min read

Here I am. Waiting to know what direction to take.

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A Reminder
1 min read

Transitioning to something new and unknown comes with uncertainty. But we still have tools that can help. Our minds still work and so can we.

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Am I the problem?
1 min read

I am often caught up in a cycle of self blame, except for the times I think it is someone else that is causing my discomfort. But is it true? Are they really the problem?

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What is my context?
1 min read
It's learning, it's good, it's LIFE
1 min read

Life can be good even if imperfect

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Thanks… but no thanks
1 min read

‘Thank you but I must say no.’ Walking away from what seems right to keep my word to myself. Not easy, but worth it.

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I have no business being here... but I am.
1 min read

I write. Though I am not clear on how this fits into my life or if I am any good, I do. So if you are not sure, but you feel compelled to do a thing, I understand.

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Not by sight, but by feel
1 min read

Operating outside my usual rhythm, trying to decode my next steps. Moving not by knowledge(sight) but by intuition and intention (feel).

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A prayer rises...
1 min read

Sometimes its not enough to talk to someone. I need to access a power that creates us.

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When you're leaving
1 min read

Whether its my partner, a passion or myself, when an important part of me leaves I miss it.

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