Chadyan S
2 min read

I am wife to a spouse whose work allows us invitation to some events of National significance. And although I prefer to be like wallpaper, sometimes it requires that I move into the room a bit more. 

Like furniture... and at times a beautiful vase. 

After having to mentally and emotionally prepare for each of these outings, my internal ecosystem is now less likely to panic and I am less likely to have that deer caught in headlights look when I go.

Last night, we attended one of these events.

And I can tell you now that I have noticed something in these few times we have been. 

Something that has allowed me to actually enjoy and look forward for when we go.

It’s the MUSIC!!!

Or we can say the entertainment. 

But really... it’s the music😁.

There is something to be said about the quality of the performances that these events generate. They have been just magnificent!!!

When I think, that these musical creators are mostly locally grown and the talent and culture explored when they perform, it just makes me happy to be alive to bear witness to it. 

Nowadays, I gladly attend to feast on the music. And it has not disappointed.
This discovery begs me to acknowledge that ‘there is always a way’.

 Music in fact, has become my way of coping with the feelings of inadequacy that being at these events trigger in me.

Like a magical balm the soothing melodies create a bubble from which I can relax and be (mostly) myself and enjoy the proceedings that follow.

All protocols observed, of course.

It feels good to confirm and know that I can and will be ok in every situation. Control just rests in where I focus my energy.

I pray, please Jesus, let me remember this in future moments of distress (issues prayer🙏 ).

Now tell me... how do you find yourself coping in such situations?

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