Chadyan S
1 min read

While cleaning my bathroom a thought found it's way into my mind and stayed there. This thought was that there are times when surrender masquerades as resilience.

Imma explain in a minute.

When my son was close to turning three years old, I became determined to have him potty-trained to return to preschool. This was just after a full year of having done virtual school during the global pandemic of COVID 19.

In any event, I realized this decision to have him fully potty-trained would  entail lots of cleaning up on our part as caregivers and I remembered feeling mentally and emotionally prepared for that. I had made peace with that possibility. So when it came time to clean up, multiple times a day, I was okay with it. 

This is like surrender to me. I made peace with the situation and dealt with it.

Sure... I had a definite aim in mind

But I was so willing to endure whatever was needed in order to get to the goal.

And now I sit here wondering (a favorite pass time) what makes this type of surrender so different from the type where I feel dragged to it?



Definiteness of purpose?

These possibilities represent the difference between when surrender feels right and when it feels stressful.

So how can I get from fear and stress to acceptance and rightness, faster?

I want to say... AWARENESS

And I think this is a useful tool in these situations to build a bridge.

But some pieces feel missing. 

Because even when I am aware and accept where I am, or feel I do.

Surrender still feels hard and takes a lot of time.

I think, being aware and then setting smaller definite milestones is a great way to approach it.

A lot of work has been done around chunking down a task to make it more manageable and this is great. It works, but it takes time.

And what happens to me is that I don't have a chunk down process.

I will work on that to create a system that can move me through faster and faster each time.

What about you?

Have you realized a connection in the different ways surrender may show up for you?

And can you determine a short cut of surrender after your discovery?

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