Chadyan S
1 min read

I don't want to do what you want!

I'm sorry, my apologies.

My mind is emotionally attached to how you feel about things

But my heart...

Well... my heart has its own intention.

It wants to do some other things.

Things you may not approve of

Things that will make it feel secure.

This leaves me feeling anxious.

How can I meet the expectations of both you and my heart?

I suddenly feel rushed,

Like this needs to be figured out right away.

My intuition says "Trust your heart, they will come around. It will all work out. You'll see."

While my logic is inspiring me to 'Think it through properly.'

I want to run away!

But everywhere I go they come with me.

Whispering and chattering.

I wish I could meditate,

Or fall asleep... that works.

But its results are temporary.

I can't survive this limbo forever.

So much life is waiting on ME!

And while I stay here,

The sands of time more swiftly along,

Not waiting for me to get to where I belong.

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