2 min read

Hmmm... As I read this quote I think of all the moments when things seemed to just fall into place, AFTER I surrendered to His will.

Ever experienced that?

Doing what you think is everything you know how to and then just when you start to think

I'm stuck!

How will I pay these bills?

Am I ever going to get pregnant?

Maybe I can't do the job

Whatever it is... 

Then you released it 

let it go

gave up... and all of a sudden; 

You get a phone call about some money being refunded to you
Someone shares with you a this new thing they just found
You start feeling nauseated when you smell your own perfume
Your friend asks you to fill in for them at work
Your boss asks you if you would like to attend a three day motivational seminar before you start your new role.
Help just shows up for you!

And guess what you were doing before?
YOU... were praying

Sometimes it wasn't even YOU praying, but someone was praying FOR you.

I LOVE when this happens!!!
I just wished I could get my brain to co-operate with me more so I could make it happen all the time and faster.

So, I keep working to build the habit.

I forget

I make mistakes

I crash out.

But... I start over.

And put the things back in HIS hands.

What are you holding on to?

Maybe, there is a better option.

What do you think?

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