Chadyan S
1 min read

Is there anyone out there who has wanted to know the way when you get a vision for something in your life?

Like when we know we want to get from our house to the supermarket, we work out how we will get there before we leave our house.

Same thing

Except, for certain visions we get about our life, the path is not made clear beforehand. In these cases it feels like that vision requires more than we can imagine at the time.

We can't seem to break it down to a level we can pursue in the moment because it requires a completely different version of ourselves to show up to see it through. Like it's not us. Its somebody else.

But... it is US who needs to step up in the moment.

We sometimes need to move not by sight then; more by feel.

Is anyone having this experience right now?

Let me tell you something... I am a planner.

I plan for all events I know will happen.

Often in my head but also in word(writing it out) and in deed(setting things in motion to meet the needs ahead).

That includes what clothes, shoes and accessories I will wear, What time I will get up to get everything done before. I move monies. If other people are included I have to check and double check with them if they are prepared to do whatever they need to. It's a whole system. And it runs well, most times. 

It also, drives everyone else nuts that I do this.

But right now, since this year, my life seems to operating by feel. And that, is harder to plan for. 

I have learnt, however, that over time I am learning to accept that I won't always know what will happen in the in-between.

In fact, the in-between does not seem connected at all to the vision, but somehow it is.

So after saying 'yes' to each of these prompts that feel right, I plan. I plan around each situation the prompts generate and that's all I can do.

It's starting to feel like preparation.

And maybe it is

Maybe it's not.

Its not a system I understand just yet.

I can only share what it feels like.

Ever felt that way?

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