1 min read

Surrender has been such a lesson for me that I talk about it often when it afflicts me in its various forms.

And, this perspective from Mark Nepo was received by me when I wasn’t even attempting to learn about surrender. It was in fact not on my radar.

But, I guess I was ready to learn something more.

Here it goes:

“We tend to think of surrender as giving up or resigning ourselves to an unwanted outcome. But surrender is really the practice of fine-tuning our will to work with what we’re given. I no longer see surrender and cooperation as different paths. Rather, cooperating with truth is how we surrender. As meditation is comprised of the practice of breathing, surrender is comprised of the practice of cooperating with truth.” Mark Nepo, Oprah daily


This 👆🏽!!!

Now that I have this perspective I feel a part of me break free. 

As if I was holding on to a load that was weighing on me. It will be interesting to observe how this plays out in my life after this.

Do you have moments like these?

That unlock potential you didn’t know about?

I must admit that most times these ‘unlocks’ occur after I re-read something I came across previously. Things well-intentioned, but I wasn’t ready to hear or learn from. 

Till I was.

This is new to me, and I am glad I was ready for it.

What are you ready for right now?

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