Chadyan S
1 min read

Every time a customer would ask me, "Is it expensive?" my response is to pause and say, "Let me tell you the price and you can decide."


I have come to realize over two decades of work life that what is expensive means different things to different people.

For instance, my mom always complains about the price. Of most things we both interact with.

The price of groceries

The price of dental service and doctor's visits



School fees

Like... she thinks most things are priced too high.

When we are together and she starts complaining about the cost of something; I oftentimes say "Don't complain. You have a choice and so do they. They can offer the thing to you at a price and you get to decide if you want to pay that price or not. And if its not worth it to you then don't buy it. If it is, find a way to afford it." 

Of course, she gets annoyed when I say this. And then tells me I acting like I am her mom or that I'm lecturing her.

She doesn't know that I need the lesson just as much as she does. But that's ok.

And while she is this way several others go by selecting the same things she complains about without even a change in expression. They pay their bills and they move along on their merry way.

It's all very relative.

At times my husband thinks that I am unrealistic in my ability to afford things. But the truth is, I believe that when I really want something specific currently outside of my economics, then, I need to leverage something to expand my economic power to achieve said thing, instead of giving up on it.

It may take a long time I concede, but it usually happens.

(And I always have to let go (surrender) in the process.)

But whether we consider prices offered for anything appropriate, cheap or expensive in the moment. This is all trainable.

Being more frugal or embracing a more relaxed spending posture, it is up to us to decide if it suits us right now and then where we want to be. Meaning, our future selves.

This does not mean we can't be both in awe at some prices and then quite happy to find a bargain with others. It really depends on the thing we are looking at.

Also, at times it may help to consider the lifetime value of an item that is being considered. Like, how long will I want to be able to use/ wear this?

Does it matter?

Well... it depends

'On what?', you may ask

On you.

We each get to decide what is expensive and what is not

What is cheap or a bargain

And what isn't.

And the best part is (at least to me)

It's changeable!

Are there some things that you are not willing to spend on, but there are others that its so easy to exchange your money for?

What are they?

And how do you decide?

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