3 min read

At times, we look for the things that say what we want to hear RIGHT now!

Even when it has been said to us before.
Just to feel SEEN,

HEARD and 


Is this true? 

This blessing encourages us to review ourselves and answer these questions

1. Where am I now (Is it where I want to be/ what resources do I have access to right now)?

2. Where have I been (where am I coming from; overcome; struggled with)?

3. Where do I want to go from here (what can I do now with what I have to move to the next level)?

If we take the time CONSISTENTLY to ask, we will find that we answer these questions more quickly with repetition.

And with that we will come to know ourselves so much BETTER!!

Maybe do a self check and ask...Is creating a better ME a priority?

I will add to this blessing a prayer.(Somehow they seem to complete each other to me 🙂)

Prayer for Serenity

"O God and Heavenly Father, Grant to us the serenity of mind to accept that which cannot be changed; courage to change that which can be changed, and wisdom to know the one from the other, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen." (wikipedia)

How do you feel now?

Note that answer. Repeat the blessing questions (and the prayer) and ask again later (or tomorrow).

Imma do it too 

Because... I want better too

By the way...

How am I feeling now?


At what has been done and still to be done.


That I would even share this perspective and not run and hide but just pursue the paths that  saying my thoughts out loud will reveal. This is real growth for myself and I find that fulfilling and impactful on the other areas of my life with increased confidence, focus and grit.

It is that 1% better, that I learnt from James Clear's book: Atomic Habits.
It is minimum standard theme for moving my life. Sometimes that is all I can give. In fact sometimes it's less, and for me anything is better than zero.

So...Now you know what's happening with me.

What about you?

Feeling any feelings?

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