2 min read

It is often said there is no such thing and I would agree. 

It is also said that one should give expecting nothing in return. To which I also agree. 

The two are two parts of the same thing. 

This is how I have come to understand the operations of both these statements.

1. When I give there is an exchange. 

There is ALWAYS something I get in response to my giving. 


Without fail,

Without question,

I receive. 

2. The truth is, I receive BEFORE I give.

Yes... that is correct.

Whether it is the joy of helping someone or a stroke of the ego. I get something before I give anything. 

It is just that simple. 

If I already get something that is satisfying, then nothing more is expected... after the giving is done. 

I already got what I want so I am free to give as much as that allows. 

Beyond that is where frustration, regret and unmet expectation dwell. 

Or so I have found. 

There is a Balance maintained

Receive: Give

Give: Receive

This feels like law to me.

But to be sure...

Try it...

Test it for yourselves. 

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