2 min read

What's the WORK?

When a farmer wants a harvest. He goes out and buys the seeds, he employs ploughing techniques and uses fertilizer available to him. 

He plants and cares for his crop EVERYDAY. 

This is his 'training'.

And then, at just the right moment, he reaps.

We "Train' to build the fire we want.

I was listening to Brendon Burchard speak recently and one of the things he said that made me laugh, cry and sigh one after the other is this;

"People are often surprised when they knock on the door of opportunity and WORK answers the door."

I raise my hand as guilty.

Let's all just agree to do our WORK ('Training') already!!!

What does that look like?

Well... It depends on what we want.

So...What do we really want?

It may be; taking care of our health, by getting more sleep, drinking more water, eating on time, exercise and then repeating the process. Editing and adjusting along the way.


To learn a second language, we may need to get expert help, do the research, schedule time to study, partner up with someone then practice.
If its exercise

Building a career

Financial freedom

A business

They require all some training which builds habits everyday.
Then, we get to light that match and watch the results blaze to life.

So...What do YOU need to train for right now?
Write that down and go get your container of gas.

I'm getting mine right NOW! 

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