1 min read

Who am I?

After spending years on formal education.

Finding and managing job demands

Getting married

Buying a house... car

Starting a family.

Who am I?

Am I my work?

My career that pays the bills?

The people who come to me know me by a name.

Is that who I am?

But wait...

I am a spouse and a parent.

Are these things who I am?

I have friends and other family

They know some other things about me as well.

They have their own name for me.

Can they be the ones who are right?

Is who I am what they say?

But...this doesn't seem correct.

All of these roles that I play

Which one is really me?

They are all part of me!

All parts that I play!

That's right!

They are all me.

Every single one.

It matters not that there is... a role

What matters is the total.

Who do I say I am?

Now that makes me smile

For I am not just one 'thing' but a combination of many pieces

That makes me... superbly


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