Chadyan S
1 min read

Whose standard are we using

Theirs or our own?

Whose words are we listening to?

Theirs or our own?

Is this the true version? 

Or is it a version of the truth?

Sometimes I don't get it

I get so confused.

Which one is me?

Which one is you?

How can we hear ourselves?

When their voices shout so loud

Do we shout?

Do we push back?

Or do we run away?

Do we want what they want?

Or do we want something else?

I admit it is hard to tell them apart, if one hasn't practiced before,

But ask the question often enough

And it seems to open a door.

A door to some place within us.

And do we dare walk through?

Perhaps its unfamiliar

A place that feels brand new.

Lets take the chance and walk through anyway.

I think its worth the time.

For through this door,

We can learn, 

To find our voice again.

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