1 min read

Just because you see someone
Who you think you knew
Do something you did not expect.
It doesn’t make them
Or different.
It just means,
You have a picture in your mind, of what to expect from them
That they did not match in that moment.

If you see me
After a long challenging day.
After outing fires at work.
After the fifth day with two hours sleep
Eating one meal since six the day before
And it’s now six in the evening.
If you see me in that moment
Grab my child and growl “ clean it up”
After they split milk on the floor
How would you feel?
What would you think of me?

What if you saw me
After a day of supreme relations
After closing a big deal in favor of my business
After delivering a Keynote with standing ovation
After the best night sleep ever
After my child’s stellar performance at school.
You see me,
Instantly choose to calm a waiter who split water into my lap
How would you feel then?
What would you think of me?

You see,
Each moment
Is just the moment of crystallization
Of things felt before.

Which will you believe?

Which one do you want more?

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