Day Dreaming
1 min read

Day dreams- I love 'em! But I have boundaries . Do you?

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Long-term thinking with short- term inputs
1 min read

Ramblings on paying for tomorrow with today

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Questions before answers
1 min read
What is the need?
1 min read

Unveiling the dynamics that surround the formation of our preferences and decisions. BMTS style of course!

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When I think of you
1 min read

A friend like this keeps life fun and interesting.

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Glass Houses
1 min read

What does it take to reach that next level? Think of the stretch and fear it creates, but knowing the pain of that is temporary and the life on the other side waiting is so worth it.

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Nature through the senses
1 min read

Let's walk outside today. Breathe in some fresh air. Walk barefoot in freshly cut grass. Sounds good, doesn't it?

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Music and Me
1 min read

Hmmm... the best antidote for stress for me! Works EVERYTIME!

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Being Aware
1 min read

What it feels like to me when I am consciously seeking awareness. Take a read.

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I Play Favourites
1 min read

Hey... Wanna know why I play favourites and when? Take a look?

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1 min read

Different seasons, different MOVES! What am I moving towards?

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